Use these Job Searching Tips to help you fine tune your Positions Vacant search results.
First up... realise you are searching within around 80,000+ jobs at any given time across Australia.
Obviously that could produce a lot of results that will not be useful to you.
Can I suggest you start with the LOCATION field!
- Enter your town / city / suburb name and or Postcode
- Optionally, choose the STATE your town is in (useful if there are more than two towns with the same name)
- Then hit the SEARCH button.
This will display ALL the jobs available in your area.
Next... depending on how many vacancies are shown... you may need to either
- WIDEN your search (i.e. not enough jobs going in that area), OR
- NARROW your search (reduce the number of results available)
To access our Advanced Search section... simply click the icon on the LEFT of the search bar above, to reveal three new options...
To WIDEN your Search
If you are not getting enough results... then tweak these settings to shown more:
To NARROW your Search
If you are getting too many results... then these changes can reduce them:
Remember, you can mix and match any combination of keyword, location, state, age, distance and category.
And each time you search, your selections are saved on the search form displayed on the bottom of the results page... which makes it easy for you to fiddle to get only the results you really want.
Please note: this only saves the MAJOR category (if chosen) and not any sub categories, as there are too many to be manageable.
Shortcut to get to jobs in your area....
On any of the results pages... if a CITY NAME is clickable then click that!
You will be taken to jobs near that city!