"Don't become part of the problem - be part of the solution!"

Archived News Items

The following are archived news stories from our previous site structure. They are reproduced here for the sake of posterity 🙂

June 2014 – LOTS of Changes!!!

A major redesign and big updates to most of the site… including…

Even MORE Aussie Job Vacancies

Our Australian Job Vacancies section has just been improved tremendously!!!

We’ve now plugged into the resources of Jobseeker.com.au and now have access to a much wider range of job vacancies from all over Australia… and now with a much improved search routine to help you find better results!

– Updates to Job Seeker’s Workshop

Our mainstay since we went live way back in 1995… this “evergreen” material has held its own since then… with just a few exceptions.

Our recent update and rewrite has now brought this entire section in line with the online world of today.

It has also given us a few new ideas which will come to play shortly…

– Improved User Experience

Modern web browser technology, and increased visits from mobile devices suggested that it was about time COL got a facelift so people could have a better user experience!

Say “Hi” to the new RWD (Responsive Web Design) version of Australia’s Careers Online… now viewable on all portable and desktop devices. Resize your browser window to see how the design responds to the changing width of your screen.

This is a clever modern technology and one we will be rolling out across our other sites… when we get the chance 🙂

Other Relevant Archived Snapshots…

1 March 2001 – Another Brave New World…

We’ve developed a brand new site designed to meet the online recruitment needs of small to medium businesses. It’s called JobsPLUS

4 February 1997 – COL named as one of Best in the World!

EERI Award

An Australian owned and operated World Wide Web service has been rated one of the Top 100 Recruiting Sites in the world!

Careers OnLine was one of only two Australian sites rated among the Top 100 Recruiting sites on the Web and has received an Excellence in the Electronic Recruiting Industry award from the Electronic Recruiting Index! Only two Aussie sites won from over 3,500 contenders worldwide! Congrats to the other Aussie winner Contractors Direct.

According to IBN (the award organisers) EERI award winners “demonstrate design excellence, market savviness, and the future of the industry”. They believe Careers OnLine is “demonstrating the future and potential of the Internet as a Recruiting tool”. Wow!

They said…

“Careers Online is a job listings service wrapped around a career workshop. It’s, by far, the best of the International job listings sites and offers a model worth pursuing. The Interactive Site Guide provides an individualized map through the material based on the user’s stated interests and preferences. In some ways, the service is superior to anything in the American market.”

Australian MadeFrom its original concept and design to its target audience, Careers OnLine is 100% Australian. And while Careers OnLine does have an international audience, it is not a foreign product repackaged for local conditions.

Since July 1995 (a long time in Cyberspace) Careers OnLine has firmly established itself as Australia’s premier Internet careers service with over 6000 visitors to the site every week!

School students, the unemployed, career and course advisers, work-life counsellors, job placement workers, resource providers & many others, realise Careers OnLine is the place to go… to find out the answers… or be pointed in the right direction… to make informed life choices!

8th August 1996 – We’ve hit the MILLION and a HALF mark!!!

Wow!… in just over eight and a half months since our “official” launch in November 1995, Australia’s Careers OnLine has provided over 1,500,000 requests for information from people all around the world!

5 months – 22nd November to 20th April – first 500,000 requests.

2 months – between the 20th April and 23rd June another 500,000 requests – now 1 million total!

6 weeks – from 23rd June to 8th August – another 500,000!

(time for reflection…) I remember we got excited when we served up 5,000 hits in a day… last week we served over 96,000! This is what it’s all about!

August 23rd 1995 – Careers OnLine goes on line!

After several months of writing and testing, a new Internet Careers service goes online! Careers OnLine is now available for the public to access via the World Wide Web.

Careers OnLine features a variety of “self-discovery” activities to guide people through the processes of:

  • choosing a career appropriate to them;
  • finding out information about the training required for work; and
  • applying for jobs.

Careers OnLine also provides extensive links to other careers related websites across Australia and around the world!


Australia's Careers OnLine : Professional Careers Advice for job seekers on the 'net since 1995!