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HUGE Updates for COL

Today we are releasing some HUGE updates for COL (that’s Careers OnLine)!

It’s been a while since our last change… almost three years in fact since I last installed a “responsive” theme here. However, health issues here meant that our regular program of updating the information contained within had to be put on hold.

Never mind that! Things are all fine again, and we’ve gone crazy over the last few weeks to put things right back where they should be!

And that’s to get us back to being the #1 Career Site in Australia!

These updates include:

A New Theme…

Well, nothing says “change” more than installing a new skin on a website. So here it is! I’m loving the blue 🙂

There are still some of the older grey sections around, but we are actively working on them all! With lots of pages in the background… it all takes time.

COL's Job GuideCOL’s Job Guide

What’s really exciting is our BRAND NEW section – COL’s Job Guide.

It contains full information on 500+ Australian Jobs! And there are lots of ways you can get into it!

This type of material is something I’ve always wanted here from the start, but until now I have only been able to link out to it!

See… good things DO come to those who wait I guess!

Eventually… LOL 🙂

COL’s Job Seeker’s Workshop

COL's Job Seeker's WorkshopWe’ve also gone in and UPDATED and REVAMPED the content in the Job Seeker’s Workshop!

Yep… I admit that it was starting to look a little jaded (maybe a lot LOL). And it was certainly very boring for today’s audience!

We’re part way through as it’s a big job. Some of the old sections are still live… But it is looking great so far! Just watch out for the cyber dust LOL

Job Links Directory

We’ve also gone through the Job Links Directory and have done quite a bit of extensive weeding.

And we’re also adding great fresh links that are being ported over from COL’s Job Guide.

Aussie Jobs

Our Australian Positions Vacant Notices are still powering along!

These are updated “live”, as you search, from job boards and employers all across Australia!

A New Blog!

COL’s “new” careers blog will be posting lots of exciting new articles to help your career development even more.

I’m actually looking for decent Guest Authors to make posts here, so if you know anyone that can write about employment stuff… tell them to get in touch @ jobguide [@] careersonline . com . au


And once all of that’s done, I’m going to start playing with some podcasts! COL might even be speaking to you soon! Won’t that be weird?

I hope you’re loving the new Careers OnLine as much as I am 🙂

And if you’ve got any constructive comments to make below about the updates for COL… I’d love to hear them too!

Stephen Spry

UPDATE: It’s now the 28th April… and things are progressing very slowly! I simply didn’t realise HOW MANY $%#%$#^% pages this site has LOL. In trying to move them all over to the WP CMS, it’s taking a little longer than I first anticipated. Never mind… it’s mainly the vacancies section now where you’ll find a mix of old and new… with several hundred pages still to go there. Also still have to keep working on the BIG content re-write of the Workshop material, which has taken a back seat for the moment. All in good time I suppose, but I am still extremely happy with how it is all looking 🙂

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Australia's Careers OnLine : Professional Careers Advice for job seekers on the 'net since 1995!