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Trade Career Options for Panel Beaters in Brisbane

Panel Beaters are Needed in Brisbane

The Brisbane area needs a lot of panel beaters as there is a high demand for vehicle body repairs. Every year, hundreds of road mishaps happen, and more often than not, these result in damaged vehicles that need to be fixed asap.

But what exactly does a panel beating job entail, and how do you become one? Is certification required? How does one become an apprentice? Let’s find out.

What Does a Panel Beater Do?

A panel beater is a person hired to fix any exterior damage to a vehicle after an accident occurs. Once a collision happens, the body of the car is likely going to sustain serious damage. It can be a simple scratch to the paint job or an ugly dent on its panels. Repairs are carried out using a wide assortment of hand tools and power tools.

As an apprentice or a professional, you’re going to fix damaged bumpers, repaint scratched exterior, and ensure that the chassis and other parts of the vehicle are realigned after a mishap. You’re also going to learn how to fix fenders/panels, hoods, and more.

Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology for Panel Beaters

Acquiring a Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology for Panel Beaters is a must if you want to work as one. This is a government-funded programme, and you can enrol with any certified training provider located in your area.

Here is an overview of what you’re going to learn should you decide to become a panel beater.

There are core and elective courses you must take when you enrol. Some of the core courses include fixing vehicle frames, realigning chassis, and how to use the correct hand and power tools to fix damaged cars.

You’re also going to learn how to test and replace car batteries, how to properly check a car for damage after an accident, and how to fix misalignment.
Elective courses include how to fix aluminium, composite, and plastic parts.

You’re also going to learn how to fix air compressors, use a welding machine to repair damages, and install or fix sunroofs.

Keep in mind that this is just an overview, and there are more courses you need to take depending on your chosen training provider.

School-Based Apprenticeship Requirements

Here are the requirements for school-based apprenticeships for panel beaters.

  1. You must be 13 years old and above to qualify for this programme.
  2. There is no minimum education requirement for enrollees. You may be qualified for an SAT if you’re a trainee who is currently not enrolled in years 10 to 12. Check with the local Department of Employment, Small Business, and Training to learn how you can be approved for the SAT.
  3. This is open only to the citizens of Australia, as well as citizens of neighbouring New Zealand. If you’re a citizen of New Zealand, you have to have entered the country using a valid and non-expired passport to be able to enrol.

The training programme and apprenticeship are also available to Australian residents and holders of visas that permit them to work in Australia.

Interested in this job?

Then reach out to the training provider near you or a local panel beater such as gmsmashrepairs.com.au so you can get started. Good luck!

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