Also known as Shingler, Slater, Steel Roof Installer and Roof Tiler.
Roofers cover houses and other structures with roof tiles, slates, shingles or steel sheeting to form waterproof and durable surfaces.
Roofers may specialise in tiling or installing new roofs, repairing existing roofs or removing old roofs and replacing them.
Roofers' work involves a lot of bending, climbing and lifting.
They work outdoors, at heights and in all weather conditions.
- examine drawings, specifications and worksites to determine materials required
- assess risks
- erect ladders and tile elevators
- erect and dismantle restricted-height scaffolding
- place roofing underlays over eaves and secure them by nailing or stapling these to roofs
- correctly space and nail wooden strips (battens) across the roof rafters on which the tiles or other roofing material will be placed
- measure and cut roofing material to fit around vents, chimney edges and the hips and valleys of the roof
- fix roof flashings (weatherproof covering)
- fix the ridge caps and gable ends with cement mortar or tech screws
- apply protective paint coating systems
- clear the roof of debris upon job completion
Roofers may perform the following tasks:
- enjoy practical and manual activities
- good sense of balance
- good hand-eye coordination
- willing to work at heights and outdoors
Roofing may be divided into the following categories:
Roof Tiler - works with clay tiles, stone slates or wooden shingles and overlaps the tiles in successive layers to form waterproof roofs.
Metal Roof Plumber - works with metal, polycarbonate, fibreglass, glass malthoid sheets and waterproof membranes. Metal roof plumbers also install roof mesh, insulation, gutters and downpipes, rainwater tanks, equipment pumps and roof plumping systems.
To become a roofer you usually have to complete an apprenticeship or traineeship in Metal Roofing and Cladding, Roof Tiling or Roof Plumbing.
Entry requirements may vary, but employers generally require Year 10.
Additional Information
In the ACT, roofers must either hold, or work under someone who holds, a valid builder's licence. Contact the ACT Planning Authority for more information. In NSW, those carrying out work valued at more than $1000 must either hold, or work under someone who holds, a valid building contractor's licence issued by NSW Fair Trading. Contact NSW Fair Trading for more information.
In some states and territories, steel roofing falls under the category of plumbing, which requires a licensed contractor. See the separate entry for Plumber and refer to your local industry authority for advice.
When working at heights, industry standards require roofers to complete a Work Safely at Heights short course provided by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
All those who work in the construction industry must undergo safety induction training and be issued with a Construction Induction Card (CIC). In NSW, training is conducted by RTOs authorised by SafeWork NSW. In the ACT, training is provided by RTOs approved by WorkSafe ACT. Contact SafeWork NSW or WorkSafe ACT for more details.
Many roofers are self-employed or work for small companies that supply and fix roofs. They are usually subcontracted to roofing manufacturers on a semi-permanent basis. Roofers are also directly employed by manufacturing companies and by state, territory or local government bodies concerned with public works.
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