Multimedia developers generate and manipulate graphic images, animations, sound, text and video into consolidated and seamless multimedia applications.
Multimedia applications include computer-based interactive training, data presentation and information kiosks, CD-ROMs, entertainment and educational products, and multimedia presentations.
- talk with clients to understand their requirements
- investigate, analyse and recommend appropriate equipment and software to achieve clients' objectives
- prepare flowcharts and storyboards to outline product concepts
- prepare code to produce the multimedia product
- prepare digital graphics, animations, sound, video, photographs and images for editing
- prepare design concepts
- liaise with related graphics, production and engineering experts
- manage the development and implementation of multimedia products
Multimedia developers may perform the following tasks:
- aptitude for computing and design
- creativity and artistic flair
- ability to both lead and follow instructions
- strong client focus
- commitment to understanding and using new technology
- ability to meet deadlines
- understanding of colour and form
- patient and attentive to detail
Author-based Programmer - applies appropriate multimedia authoring technologies to conceptualise, design, assemble and integrate a variety of images, text, animation and sound before selecting and applying the desired programme structure to produce a multimedia end product. This may involve writing scripts, using namespaces and packages, and writing extensions. This process is sometimes described as 'authoring a multimedia sequence'.
Computer-based Graphic Designer - uses computing technology and specialist software packages to manage the production, interface and integration of various graphics and other media into the multimedia package design. This includes the design of art and copy layouts for CD-ROM and multimedia products. It is possible to further specialise and focus on specific industry sectors such as advertising, corporate design, internet or mobile applications, or exhibition design.
Digital Video-Sound Editor - is involved in the computer-based editing of video sound for multimedia products. Working under the instruction of directors, editors make decisions with regard to the mood, pace and climax of sound effects. This involves working closely with other professional staff to analyse, evaluate and select sound effects for integration with images and other mediums.
Instructional Designer - designs and develops educational products, learning support resources and delivery/assessment tools. Instructional designers increasingly take advantage of the flexibility offered by multimedia applications to target specific learning objectives and audiences.
To become a multimedia developer you usually have to complete a VOC qualification in interactive digital media or digital media technologies. As subjects and prerequisites can vary between institutions, you should contact your chosen institution for further information. You may be able to study through distance education.
You can also become a multimedia developer through a traineeship in Interactive Digital Media or Digital Media Technologies.
Entry requirements may vary, but employers generally require Year 10.
Entry to this occupation may be improved if you have a degree in multimedia or a related area, such as new media design, digital media, communication design or interactive media. To get into these courses you usually need to gain your HSC/ACT Year 12. Prerequisite subjects, or assumed knowledge, in one or more of English and mathematics are normally required. Applicants may also be required to submit a folio of work or attend an interview. Most universities in Australia offer degrees in these areas.
Universities have different prerequisites and some have flexible entry requirements or offer external study. Contact Open Universities Australia or the universities you are interested in for more information as requirements may change.
Additional Information
Membership of the Australian Computer Society is available to those who hold, or are working towards, suitable qualifications. There is a range of membership types available, allowing progression through the various levels as a member's career develops.
Multimedia developers may work for a wide range of organisations, including the IT industry, media and publishing companies, web design practices, animation and design studios, educational institutions and advertising agencies. They often work as part of a team, but can work individually or on a freelance basis. With experience and sufficient start-up money, there are opportunities for self-employment.
Multimedia development is a dynamic growth industry that has developed out of a blending of creative production, the arts and the innovative technical presentation techniques provided by a range of IT platforms.
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