"Be more aware of your responsibilities than you are of your rights!"
These lists are presented mainly to stimulate your thinking further… and to demonstrate there are a much wider variety of different jobs possible! Usually a LOT more than people usually think 🙂
- Machine Woodworker
- Machinist First Class
- Mail Officers
- Maintenance Fitters
- Make-up Artist
- Management Accountants (include Cost Accountants):
- Management Consultant
- Manufacturing Engineering Associate
- Mapping Scientists
- Marine Biologist
- Marine Botanists
- Marine Engineer
- Marine Meteorologists
- Marine Scientist
- Marine Surveyor
- Marine Underwriters
- Marine Upholsterer
- Market Research Analysts
- Market Research Interviewers
- Market Researcher
- Marketing Managers
- Marketing Officer
- Marketing Representative (Information Technology)
- Marketing Service Managers
- Massage Therapist
- Master of the Vessel
- Mate
- Materials and Testing Engineers
- Materials Engineer
- Mathematical Geologists
- Mathematical Statisticians
- Mathematician
- Meat Retailer
- Mechanical Engineer
- Mechanical Engineering Associate
- Mechanical Engineering Technician
- Mechanical Engineering Technologist
- Mechatronic Engineer
- Media Presenter
- Media Producer
- Medical Imaging Technologist
- Medical Laboratory Scientist
- Medical Laboratory Technician
- Medical Practitioner
- Medical Record Coder
- Medical Records Administrator
- Medical Scientist
- Medical Secretaries
- Meetings Manager
- Mental Health Nurses
- Merchant Bankers
- Merchant Mariner
- Merchant Seafarer
- Metal Casting Patternmaker
- Metal Machinist
- Metal Machinists
- Metal Press Operator
- Metal Trades Assistant
- Metal/Jewellery Workers
- Metallurgical Engineer
- Metallurgical Technician
- Metallurgist
- Metals and Engineering Industry Production Workers
- Meteorological Technical Officer
- Meteorologist
- Methods Engineers
- Microbiological Engineers
- Microbiologist
- Midwives
- Military Pilots
- Milk Vendor
- Milliner
- Mine Shift Supervisors
- Mine Site Geologists
- Mine Surveyors
- Miner
- Mineral Processing Operator
- Minerals Process Engineer
- Mining Engineer
- Mobile Patrol Guards
- Mobile Plant Operator
- Model Maker
- Model
- Money Market Clerk
- Mother’s Helpers
- Motor Mechanic
- Motorcycle Mechanics
- Moulder/Coremaker
- Multimedia Developer
- Multimedia Programming
- Museum Attendant
- Museum Curator
- Museum Technician
- Music Critics
- Music Therapist
- Musical Instrument Maker
- Musician
- Musicologists
| L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Detailed Job Descriptions
Quite a few of these jobs now have detailed job descriptions available for them here @ Careers OnLine. Please visit this Alphabetical List @ COL’s Job Guide for the specific links. 🙂
We’ll get onto adding the links into the above pages in a while… but it’s a big job, and we’ve still got a lot of changes to go through…