Industrial spray painters operate spray-painting equipment to apply protective coatings to manufactured items or structures.
Industrial spray painters usually work in noisy factory or construction environments.
Most of their time is spent standing or bent over.
Protective clothing, masks and goggles must be worn when handling poisonous materials.
- prepare surfaces to be coated by using various methods (abrasive blasting, high pressure water washing or power wire brushing) to remove grease, dirt and rust
- monitor extractors, drying fans and heaters
- mix chemicals to meet the requirements of the customer
- spray coatings (such as paint, lacquer, enamel, silver or copper solutions) onto manufactured products to provide finished surfaces
- move items to drying areas and unload and stack them for further painting or packaging
- rub down painted items between coats
- operate paint dipping baths and conveyor equipment
- touch up defective areas of painted items
- clean nozzles, containers and hoses of machines
Industrial spray painters may perform the following tasks:
- enjoy practical and manual activities
- able to cope with the physical demands of the job
- no chest complaints
- no allergies related to paints, solvents or dust
- normal colour vision
You can work as an industrial spray painter without formal qualifications, but employers usually require Year 10. You will probably get some informal training on the job.
Additional Information
Once you are employed, you may be able to develop, and have recognised, additional skills under the Manufacturing or Metal and Engineering Training Packages that will expand your career opportunities within these industries.
Industrial spray painters work for engineering firms, appliance manufacturers, furniture makers, foundries, motor vehicle manufacturers and sheet metal and railway workshops. They may also work in structural engineering, marine and Defence industries and in the resources processing industry.
Job opportunities depend largely on the level of manufacturing activity.
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