"60% of the best jobs in the next 10 years haven't been invented yet."
These lists are presented mainly to stimulate your thinking further… and to demonstrate there are a much wider variety of different jobs possible! Usually a LOT more than people usually think 🙂
- Facility Managers
- Factory Hand
- Family and Consumer Studies Professional
- Family Care Workers
- Family Carer
- Family Day Care Provider
- Farm Advisors or Extension Officers
- Farm Hand
- Farmer/Farm Manager
- Farrier
- Fashion Coordinator
- Fashion Designer
- Fashion Sales Assistants
- Fast Food Sales Assistants
- Feature Writers
- Fibre Textile Workers
- Fibreglass Worker
- Field Assistants
- Field Hydrologist
- Field/Exploration Geologists
- Film and Television Editor
- Film and Television Lighting Operator
- Film and Television Producer’s Assistant
- Film Stage and Television Director
- Film Stage and Television Producer
- Finance Managers:
- Financial Dealer and Broker
- Financial Dealer’s Assistant
- Financial Economists
- Financial Market Dealers
- Financial Planner
- Finished Artist
- Fire Extinguisher Servicer
- Firefighter
- Fireworks Specialists
- First-class Welders
- Fish Farm Divers
- Fish Farm Hand
- Fish Processor
- Fisher
- Fisheries Biologists
- Fisheries Officer
- Fitness Instructor
- Fitness Leader
- Fitter Armourer
- Fitter Machinists
- Fitter Welders
- Fitter
- Flat Glass Tradespeople
- Flat Glass Tradesperson
- Flight Attendant
- Floor Finisher and Coverer
- Floor Sander
- Floriculturists
- Florist
- Fluid Power Fitters
- Food and Beverage Attendant
- Food Consultant
- Food Microbiologists
- Food Process Worker
- Food Processing Technician
- Food Processor (Meat)
- Food Standards Officer
- Food Technologist
- Footwear Finishers
- Footwear Machinists
- Footwear Makers
- Footwear Repairer
- Footwear Tradesperson
- Footwear Worker
- Foreign Affairs and Trade Officer
- Forensic Biologists
- Forensic Psychologists
- Forensic Scientist
- Forest Assistant
- Forest Ranger
- Forest Technical Officer
- Forest Worker
- Forester
- Forestry Worker
- Forklift Driver
- Forklift Operator
- Foundry Worker
- Freight Handler
- Freight Traffic Controllers
- French-polisher
- Fruit and Vegetable Farm Hands
- Fruit and Vegetable Picker
- Functions Coordinator
- Funeral Attendant
- Funeral Director’s Assistant
- Funeral Director
- Furniture Carver
- Furniture Designers
- Furniture Finisher
- Furniture Polisher
- Furniture Removalists
- Furniture/Millworking Tradespeople
| L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Detailed Job Descriptions
Quite a few of these jobs now have detailed job descriptions available for them here @ Careers OnLine. Please visit this Alphabetical List @ COL’s Job Guide for the specific links. 🙂
We’ll get onto adding the links into the above pages in a while… but it’s a big job, and we’ve still got a lot of changes to go through…