"25 hours a week minimum is needed for an effective job search!"
Jobs By Education Levels
One way of helping you decide how far you need to continue your education is to find out exactly what the educational requirements are for the job/s you want. And then finding out where you have to go to get them.
These pages look at the range of different educational (and other) requirements needed for the jobs in our guide.
Please note: these can vary for many jobs from one employer to the next. There may also be many different pathways into the occupation which require different entry levels.
Jobs Listed by Education Level
No Formal Qualifications
No minimum official qualification required for entry.
On the Job Training
Training for these jobs is usually offered on-the-job.
Year 10
Employers would prefer candidates to have completed Year 10.
Year 12
Employers would prefer candidates to have completed Year 12.
Year 12
Year 12 needed to access further education and training.
Training provided through a formal Apprenticeship agreement.
Training provided through a formal Traineeship agreement.
Vocational Education
Training through a Vocational Education and Training course.
Training provided at a university.
Subject Prerequisites
These jobs/courses require you to complete specific subjects at school.
Other Training
These jobs require you to complete other training courses.
Job Lists – Other Entry Requirements
Mininum Age 17+
Candidates must be 17+ years old.
Mininum Age 18+
Candidates must be 17+ years old.
Mininum Age 20+
Candidates must be 20+ years old.
Australian Citizen
Applicants must be Australian Citizens.
Aptitude Tests
Entry is competitive. Aptitude or fitness tests or similar are essential.
Entry is competitive. An interview or similar is essential.
Entry is competitive. An audition or similar is essential.
Medical Exam
May require a Medical Exam.
Previous Experience
Previous Experience in the field useful.
First Aid
May require a Provide First Aid certificate.
Police Check
May require a Police Check.
Working with Children
May require a “Working with Children” check or equivalent.
May require a drivers licence or some other “ticket”.
RCG Certificate
May require an “RCG” certificate or equiv.
RSA Certificate
May require an “RSA” certificate or equiv.
Other icons used in this section…
Aboriginal Position
These jobs are designated Aboriginal positions.
Torres Strait Islander Position
These jobs are designated Torres Strait Islander positions.