"Constructive self criticism is useful -- blaming yourself is pointless and destructive."
These lists are presented mainly to stimulate your thinking further… and to demonstrate there are a much wider variety of different jobs possible! Usually a LOT more than people usually think 🙂
- Earth Science Technical Officer
- Earthmover
- Ecologists
- Econometricians
- Economist
- Editor
- Education Aide
- Educational and Developmental Psychologists
- Electrical and Electronic Equipment Assemblers
- Electrical Engineer
- Electrical Engineering Associate
- Electrical Engineering Technician
- Electrical Fitter
- Electrical Goods Sales Assistants
- Electrical Lineperson
- Electrical Mechanic
- Electrical or Electronics Engineering Technologist
- Electrical Tradesperson (Powerline)
- Electrical/Electronics Engineering Associate
- Electrical/Electronics Engineering Technician
- Electrician
- Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Auditor
- Electronic Instrument Tradesperson
- Electronics Engineer
- Electronics Engineering Associate
- Electronics Engineering Technician
- Electronics Serviceperson
- Electroplater
- Employee Relations Officer
- Endodontists
- Engine Reconditioner
- Engineering Associate (Mechanical)
- Engineering Geologists
- Engineering Patternmaker
- Engineering Surveyors
- Engineering Technical Officers
- Engineering Technician (Mechanical)
- Engineering Tradesperson (Mechanic)
- Engineering Tradesperson (Vehicle Builder)
- Engineering Tradesperson (Vehicle Builder)
- Engineering Tradesperson – Electrical
- Engraver
- Enroute Controllers
- Environmental Chemists
- Environmental Economists
- Environmental Engineer
- Environmental Geographers
- Environmental Geologists
- Environmental Health Officer
- Environmental Officers
- Environmental Planner
- Environmental Scientist
- Ergonomists
- Ethnomusicologists
- Exercise/Sports Scientists
- Exhaust Fitter
- Exhibitions Officer
- Export/Import (Administration) Manager
- Export/Import (Distribution) Manager
- Export/Import (Sales/Marketing) Manager
- Exporter and Importer
| L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Detailed Job Descriptions
Quite a few of these jobs now have detailed job descriptions available for them here @ Careers OnLine. Please visit this Alphabetical List @ COL’s Job Guide for the specific links. 🙂
We’ll get onto adding the links into the above pages in a while… but it’s a big job, and we’ve still got a lot of changes to go through…