Civil engineering technologists assist civil engineers in the research, design, construction and maintenance of civil engineering projects.
Typical projects include dwellings, large buildings, railways, roads, bridges, airports, ports and docks, dams and water supply systems.
Civil engineering technologists may specialise in buildings, water resources, soils and foundations, transport or town planning.
Consulting and contracting engineering technologists often travel interstate, and some may travel overseas.
It may be necessary for some civil engineering technologists to change residence every few years as their work takes them from one major engineering site to another.
- estimate costs and prepare specifications for materials used in civil engineering works
- assist in establishing detailed programmes for the planning of the design and construction processes
- communicate with project managers and construction workers
- organise the delivery of materials, plant machinery and equipment needed for construction
- supervise labour
- analyse and record reports on loading, labour, productivity, quality, materials and performance
- operate and programme computers to assist with calculations
- measure and test materials, processes or systems related to civil engineering works
- inspect civil engineering works, and supervise repair work and maintenance
- check to ensure that finished works are within specifications, contract terms and regulations
Civil engineering technologists may perform the following tasks:
- good analytical skills and an eye for detail
- good oral and written communication skills
- aptitude for computing and design
- practical and creative
- good problem-solving skills
- able to work without supervision
- able to accept responsibility
To become a civil engineering technologist you usually have to complete a degree in engineering technology or engineering science with a major in civil engineering. To get into these courses you usually need to gain your HSC/ACT Year 12. Prerequisite subjects, or assumed knowledge, in one or more of English, mathematics and physics are normally required. A number of institutions in Australia offer degrees in these areas. Institutions have different prerequisites and some have flexible entry requirements or offer external study. Contact the institutions you are interested in for more information as requirements may change.
Additional Information
Graduates may be eligible for membership of Engineers Australia. Visit their website for more details.
Graduates of engineering technology and engineering science degrees may be able to upgrade their qualifications to the level of professional engineer.
Civil engineering technologists are employed by government organisations, municipal authorities, civil engineering contractors, consulting engineers and mining companies. There may also be opportunities for self-employment as a contractor or consultant. A lot of work previously undertaken by government departments is now contracted out to consulting engineers.
Employment prospects tend to vary with the level of construction activity.
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