"Avoid the application process! Deal directly with the person who can hire you!"
For various reasons, jobs change with time.
There are changes in availability, changes in the qualifications needed, and changes in the type and range of work done.
Changes in Technology
There are some jobs which can virtually cease to exist! For example… a Coachman or a Blacksmith.
Then there are new jobs which emerge and develop with new technology. This would include Social Media Managers and Web Designers.
The pace of changing technology in the modern world of work results in rapid changes in the workforce and the job market.
Many TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS now used in the workplace mean the workers have to be trained to a much higher level than ever before.
Those firms which use such technology want their workers to be able to understand it. They want them to be able to work well with it. Usually, the type of person needed to cope with this is the one who has higher qualifications.
Other Causes of Change
The availability of training courses, economic changes, or changes in Government funding and policies also cause change to the workforce.
Other factors as the age of the population, standard of living, amount of leisure time, ethnic background, etc., will also affect which jobs are available, and which skills will be useful.
Factor in other things such as regional variations – i.e city vs country, rural / industrial… Even differences between states…
And you’ve got a nightmare of possibilities !!! LOL
Check out the list of jobs below…
Shirt Making; Working with old people; Repairing shoes; Video libraries; Teaching English as a second language; Aerobatic dancing instruction; Process work; Watch repairing; Health food shops; Typing pools; Employment agencies; Teaching computer studies; Ship steward/stewardess; Selling indoor plants; Petrol pump attendant; Health; Shipbuilding; Leisure and recreation; Word processing; Mining; Truck driving; Social work; Car construction; Farming.
- Which of these would you think are GROWTH areas, or shrinking areas, in Australia today?
- What about in your local area?
- What factors are causing such things to happen?
What industries or areas do you know of where there have been large redundancies?
Can you predict any more where this might happen?
What areas might be the real growth areas of the future?
Try to think locally as well as in your state / nationally 🙂
Where are the Jobs of the Future?
The Australian Department of Employment projects employment growth.
The table below shows projected employment growth by industry in Australia – by % – for the five-year period to November 2020.
* These four industries together are projected to provide more than half of total employment growth (total workers) over the five years to November 2020.
Data sourced from the 2016 Employment Projections, published by Aust. Govt. Labour Market Information Portal – Employment Projections
More information about industry employment trends and prospects is available at the LMIP website.
What does the future hold for these jobs?
From what you know of the job market, can you classify these jobs as being:
Relatively Good, So-so or Poor
to get started in?
Journalism; Banking; Teaching; Retailing; Leisure; Travel; Defence; Public Service; Mechanics; Secretarial work; Police Force; Computing; Hairdressing; Modelling; Catering; Nursing.
How would you rate the areas YOU might be interested in?
Now check out the list in the “detour” below… and see how good your guess was 😉
Check out the link below to our list of Australian jobs with a bright future outlook.
Are any of your preferred jobs on this list ???
Jobs With Bright Future Outlook
Can you see any similarities in the TYPES of jobs which have a bright outlook ???
And Another One 🙂
The World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies identifies the most promising technology trends. These can help to deliver sustainable growth for decades to come.
Be amazed by the technology trends noted for the past few years in our blog post… and then work out whether your future lies in any of these areas?
How Far
Do you need to take your education ?
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