"Resume tips -- use action words... avoid negatives... check, check and check again!"
Look at each of the pairs of jobs below.
Your mission… if you choose to accept it… is to decide whether there is actually a difference between them.
If there is one, find out what it is.
- a bookkeeper & a bookbinder
- a chemical engineer & a chemical technician
- a chiropodist & a podiatrist
- a composer & a compositor
- a councillor & a counsellor
- a dental therapist & a dental technician
- a florist & a forester
- a furrier & a farrier
- a graphic artist & a graphic designer
- a health administrator & a health surveyor
- a joiner & a carpenter
- a metal fabricator & a metal finisher
- a motor mechanic & a plant mechanic
- a nutritionist & a dietitian
- a panel beater & an panel operator
- a pharmacist & a pharmacologist
- a radio officer & a radiographer
- a shop fitter & a shop assistant
- a solicitor & a barrister
- a typesetter & a typist
- a woolbroker & a wool classer
- a zookeeper & a zoologist
- an accountant & an accounting machinist
- an animal nurse & an animal technician
- an apparel plant mechanic & an apparel plant technician
- an audiologist & an audiometrist
- an electrical fitter & an electrical mechanic
- an electroplater & an electrotyper
- an optical dispenser & an optical mechanic
- an optometrist & an orthoptist
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