"Applications can reveal your weaknesses and are designed to screen you out!"
Most people are only really “aware” of a very limited number of different occupations.
I’m pretty confident that, if I asked you right now to name some jobs starting with the letters A through to Z… you wouldn’t be able to do it
Did you have a go??? LOL
Even though you’ve been “exposed” to a whole heap of new jobs you hadn’t heard of before in Section 1 – Choosing a Career… there are still PLENTY more you are probably NOT yet aware of.
This section is designed to make you think about a MUCH BIGGER range of jobs!
And working out what information you really need to know. And the best places you can find it!
Only then do you have a much better chance of finding a job which suits you.
Rather than limiting your choices to a small range of (possibly unsuitable) jobs.
Let’s get started…
Oh… by the way… you’ll probably spend quite some time over in COL’s Job Guide as you move through this section. It’s got lots of descriptions for 500+ Aussie occupations! Just remember to come BACK here to finish the workshop LOL
When thinking about careers, it is often easy to think of only the more “common” ones, or only those which we might have day to day contact with. If you are to make a well-made career decision, it is very important that you … »» More…
Alternative Thinking
You should try to think of other jobs which may be in a similar field to the one you want. Why? Just in case you are not successful in getting THE job you are after. »» More…
Supply and Demand
The supply and demand for different occupations changes over time. Some jobs cease to exist. New ones emerge and develop due to new technology. Changes in the workforce. Changes in the job market. Constant changes… everywhere! »» More…
Education Levels
One way of deciding how far you need to continue with your education is to find out exactly what the educational requirements are for the job/s you want. Then find out where you have to go to get them… »» More…
Questions to Ask About Jobs
Before you decide to accept or reject a particular job, there are many questions you should ask. These will give you enough information to make a “proper” decision »» More…
Job Study Sheet
Download our Job Study Sheet (pdf) to print off. »» More…
What About Apprenticeships?
Do you know what an Apprenticeship is? Would it be suited to you? Many people don’t understand enough about these to properly consider whether they should do one… »» More…
Different? Or Not?
Take a quick break and see if you can work out whether these “pairs” of jobs are different to each other… or not! LOL »» More…
Have You Heard of These Jobs?
A short list of some (not so) strange, yet probably unfamiliar jobs… Have you heard of them? »» More…
Jobs Which Won’t Suit Me!
It’s interesting looking at things this way… because sometimes it’s easier for you to think of the things you dislike, rather than the things you like. »» More…
Perfect Match!
It’s time to play… “Perfect Match”! From the occupations listed, can you match the description of the work, with the job ??? »» More…
Industry Groups
Another way of looking at jobs is by understanding which particular “Industry Group” they belong to… »» More…
Other Groups To Explore
There are even more different ways to think about occupations. This page provides some more ideas, and “tests” what you’ve learnt in this section »» More…
COL’s Job Guide – Intro
By now you’re ready for some serious career exploration! Find out how COL’s Job Guide can be used for just that! »» More…
When You’re Done…
Move on to the next step!
And get started on compiling Your Resume.