"Your resume should not become your career obituary!"


Choosing a CareerYour personality is very important to the type of job you should do!

Employers have been using personality tests with their (potential) employees for years. These tests help them determine whether they are the right “fit” for the company, the job etc.

Employers use them to measure (among other things) whether you prefer working in a group or independently. Or whether you prefer taking charge over situations, or following others.


We need to have a little light-hearted look at your personality here!

Remember our purpose… It is simply to make you start thinking about these things, and how they relate to your career decision making process 🙂

Many personality characteristics are listed below.

Each one ranges from one extreme to the other.

For each one, mark with an ‘X’ the spot where you think your personality lies.

introverted .......................extroverted
charming .................................rude
sociable .............................solitary
shy .................................confident
cold .....................................warm
serious ..............................flippant
emotional .........................unemotional
friendly ................................aloof
determined ........................discouraged
ambitious .........................unambitious
steady .............................changeable
diplomatic ..............................blunt
disciplined .....................undisciplined

NOW, for each one, GO BACK AND MARK (with a tick) WHERE YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE.

Is there much difference between what you ARE? and what you WANT to be like?

For those characteristics where there is a significant difference, do you want to change? Is it possible to change?

Could you “change” your personality to suit certain situations?

In what situations is this most likely to be useful to you?

What have you learned about yourself which might help you with your career decision?

From what you know of the following jobs, indicate according to the scale whether you think that they would suit your PERSONALITY:

definitely yes maybe no definitely not
Hard-sell salesperson
Train driver
Pre-school teacher
Computer operator
Truck driver
Gaol warder
Youth worker
Stunt man/woman
Bar attendant
Disc jockey

Can you name the particular personality characteristics which might be important in each of these jobs?

Can you think of other examples of jobs where you need to have certain personality characteristics to do the job properly? Why do you need those characteristics?


Your attitudes could have an effect on the type of job you choose.

BACK to Choosing a Career index.

Australia's Careers OnLine : Professional Careers Advice for job seekers on the 'net since 1995!