"Avoid the application process! Deal directly with the person who can hire you!"
What resources are available to help you find out the answers to your career related questions?
Well, the good news is… there are plenty of resources available!
All you’ve got to do is get out there and use them!
And that’s the whole point of this first section… to help you SEE the importance of finding out as much info as you can about EVERYTHING (LOL) so you can make a better career decision!
After all… you’re only gonna spend the rest of your life working! 🙂
In your search for a suitable career, the resources you can use include:
- your existing knowledge,
- your skills,
- your abilities,
- your interests,
- the goals you have set,
- your motivation to succeed,
- your values etc
- books which contain job information,
- course handbooks,
- brochures,
- fliers,
- posters,
- books on how to write application letters and resumes,
- newspapers,
- feature articles,
- magazines etc
- careers counsellors,
- course advisers,
- information officers,
- personnel officers,
- workers in the job,
- ex-students,
- parents,
- relatives,
- friends,
- teachers etc
- job guides,
- other Internet sites,
- ability and interest inventory tests,
- word processing software,
- printers,
- resume writing programs, etc
- information on how to write job applications and resumes
- attendance at special careers events/expos,
- course open days,
- information evenings,
- careers markets,
- work experience,
- voluntary work,
- completion of other courses,
- your hobbies etc
- determine how much time you have/need to achieve your specific goals
Have you used all the resources available to you??? (or do you spend more time picking a movie to watch…)
You’ve FINISHED Section 1 – Choosing a Career.
Go round up some information on jobs and courses.
BACK to Choosing a Career index.