"Your resume should not become your career obituary!"


Choosing a CareerFirstly… make sure you have looked at the exercise “Decisions… Decisions…”

Help Yourself!

Write down YOUR story!

Then answer these questions again…

  • do you know enough about yourself – your interests, abilities, personality, etc?
  • have you enough information about the options you are considering (work and study)?
  • have you sought the advice of other people?
  • are you taking into account only present considerations, or are you thinking of the future?
  • have you reached a decision yourelf, or have you been forced into it in some way?

Has your decision been affected by:

  • what your friends think of your actions?
  • the expectations of your parents?
  • probably incorrect information which “someone” has told you?
  • trouble with, or a dislike of, your present situation?
  • little or no guidance from others?
  • taking the “easy” way out?
  • traditional stereotypes i.e. “that’s no job for a girl”?

Do you need more help? Look here!

BACK to Choosing a Career index.

Australia's Careers OnLine : Professional Careers Advice for job seekers on the 'net since 1995!