"Don't just plan for tomorrow! Plan for the future!"
The material in our Job Seeker’s Workshop was initially written for school leavers and young adults, to equip them with essential job search skills to compete in the jobs marketplace.
It is also suitable for older adults facing a career change! Often they need to “refresh” their thoughts on what is actually involved in finding suitable work. Many find the simpler approach used here to be refreshing.
This evergreen material has been used in Australian high schools since the mid-1980’s. It has also been online here @ Careers OnLine since 1995.
We strive to regularly update our content to keep it relevant to current job seekers and Internet users.
At COL’s Job Seeker’s Workshop, you can find out:
- what you need to know about choosing a career which suits you!
- how to prepare your entire job application so you get the job!
Simply step through each section of the Job Seeker’s Workshop below, in order LOL …
Oh… just watch out for the detours!!! If you get sidetracked on any, please remember to come back here 🙂
And here’s the first one – some useful terms to know.
Here’s looking at you to choose a job which suits your abilities and interests!
These pages are designed to make you start thinking about YOU! What type of person are you? And what job might suit that type of person!
Normally this is something most people find very hard to do! When asked simple questions like “What do you like?” often the answer is “Meh!” 🙂
However, it is essential to do when trying to find a career to suit the complicated person you really are! After all… you are going to be spending a LOT of time at work, so you really should “enjoy” it as much as you can LOL!!!
Start here to find out what you need to know about choosing a career which suits you!
For our USA visitors…
Take this Free Online Career Test
Career Fitter’s free 60 question Career Test displays a summary of your Work Personality… It also provides you with the option to purchase a more comprehensive report.
Find out what information you need about jobs and courses!
Most people are only really “aware” of an extremely limited number (20+?) of different occupations. Considering there are actually over 50,000 different jobs available, that’s a horrible statistic!
This section leads you through the maze of information available, and helps you start thinking about a much BIGGER range of jobs!
And then you have a much better chance of finding one which suits you.
So… for what you really need to know about jobs and course information… start here!
Check out our BRAND NEW SECTION COL’s Job Guide which is chock full of descriptions of 500+ Aussie occupations!
And if you need even more info…
Then please visit our Job Links Directory for other Careers websites to help you fill in the gaps.

The following sections are under redevelopment…
Links currently take you to the OLD pages in the Workshop.
We’ll move these signs down as each section is updated… Won’t be long 🙂
Get this VITAL tool for your job hunt ready! Your résumé!
It’s essential to get your résumé prepared before you start any job hunt!
Unfortunately, it’s the one thing which can be your “undoing” if you don’t get it right!
Again… you are writing about your personal achievements. This is something which the majority of people (naturally) find hard to do as we discovered in #1 above.
Find out what should go into your résumé and how you should present it!
And if you need some help to make a basic “winning” résumé…
Try our online Résumé Generator!
It might be pretty basic… but it gets the job started!!!
Finding those pesky jobs can be a real pain in the… especially when you look in the wrong places!
And the competition for available jobs can get really fierce at times!
If you only try the “normal” approaches that simply everyone uses… you could find yourself on the wrong end of a string of “No’s”!
You’ve got to look in all sorts of places to give yourself a better chance of getting what you’re after!
Click for tips on how to carry out your job search!
Explore your options by browsing through our Australian Positions Vacant notices. See what jobs are in demand right now!
How to craft job applications which will get the RIGHT sort of attention!
You might think this is the process which YOU use to get a job. Essentially, however, an EMPLOYER uses it to REJECT unsuitable candidates!
We’ll show you what “careless mistakes” make the employer’s task a lot easier. Avoid them, and improve your chances significantly.
Here’s how to create an effective job application!
It’s taken some work to get ready for your job interview! So don’t blow it!
When you get a job interview… Congratulations!
You are one of only a select few who actually make it this far through the whole process!!! So again… WELL DONE!
To understand how you can “perform” better in a job interview, it helps to put yourself in the Boss’s position and try to see what they see…
This a most critical time, and it’s probably taken you a lot of hard work to score a job interview!
When you’ve finished all the above…