"Applications can reveal your weaknesses and are designed to screen you out!"

Guide to Training Yourself to be a Good Job Seeker
Everyone wants to get a good job but the dynamics in the labour market continue to change. Some industries report shortages of labor, so there are definitely jobs out there.
The problem could be employers who raise the bar regarding who they hire. Companies continue to require specific training and degrees for jobs that do not require such specifics.
Job seekers need to evolve in order to land a good position because people still have to live. The following guide should help you be a better job seeker and hopefully land that job.
Understand the Database
One of the first things you have to do as a job seeker is figured out how to use job databases.
You would be surprised how many people lose opportunities because they uploaded a resume or CV without considering how a database works; for one, these sites use algorithms to rule out candidates who might have been qualified but simply did not use the right keywords.
There are a number of online keyword boosters that you can use to help you create the kind of resume or CV that will get pass those bots. It may be a good idea to edit your entire resume or CV professionally to ensure you’re communicating effectively.
Effective Online Networking
Networking was something people did face to face at a mixer with business people. This is not how things are done now, even though those events could still help.
You now have to make meaningful connections online using sites like Linked-In. The problem is figuring out what to say to some professional you don’t know. What you can do is write a personal letter, something that lets the reader know why they should know you and how you know them.
Everything is Connected
Social media platforms have allowed people to get to know each other a lot more than ever before. It is important that your social media pages reflect an accurate and professional depiction of who you are.
Once your resume gets passed to real hands, those hands may look through your social media accounts to get a genuine idea of who you are. Do not let employers see you partying hard every weekend or using inappropriate language. There is nothing wrong with showing you are a fun person. Just try not to display offensive things or things that could reflect irresponsibility.
Getting Through the First Interview
Employers receive plenty of resumes from people who are interested in a position. Most of them weed through resumes with bots but employers do not stop eliminating there. Many job applicants also get eliminated during a phone interview.
It takes a lot of resources to invest in personnel to conduct person-to-person interviews, so employers do their best to eliminate candidates to reduce costs. This is the reason you need to make sure you get through your phone interview.
You can do this by learning the kind of questions employers might ask. Algrim.co has some of the most common questions for you to go through and study. Study these questions and formulate answers that match the job you are trying to get.
Research is Vital
Today, more than ever before, it is important that you learn about the company you are attempting to land a position with. Research can help you with each interview step, like the phone interview or face-to-face interview.
You want to learn about the kinds of skills the company is looking for so that you can highlight how you match those skills. Learn as much as you can about the company, like who the key players are, recent news about the company, and what the company is hoping to achieve.
Find ways to point out how you could help the company achieve those things. Try to memorize these ideas rather than having them written down because it makes you seem prepared.
Try to use all of these pointers to become a better job seeker and, ultimately, job finder. The jobs are out there, even if the process has become a little harder. You have a lot more control than you think as long as you give yourself enough time, and take each opportunity as seriously as possible. The job starts before you get the job, remember that.
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