

Here is the ABSOLUTE BASIC résumé outline.

It contains only the basic information an employer expects.

(When you draw up your résumé, make sure that it does NOT look exactly the same as this one).

Try to put a LOT more of your own personality into it.

Full name, surname in CAPITALS.

Full address, including postcode.

If you have none, leave a "contact" number such as a neighbour or a relative who can pass on message to you.

In full-i.e. 7th April, 1997.

List details of your latest educational qualification - eg for school leavers, where you attended high school, and in what years. List the results of your School Certificate, H.S.C., or your latest report card - subjects studied, grade, attitude, etc. List any school academic prizes that you have won.

List the details of any further education - what, where, when - e.g. any Technical or Business College courses? University studies and results? Any special certificates such as First Aid?

In this section, list the type of jobs done, and the location of all places you've worked at in your holidays, part-time, or casually, or any school Work Experience Program, and when.

List some of your leisure time activities to give the employer some idea of what you are like. M sure that you don't list things about which you know very little - you may get caught out! Don't say you like watching T.V. or other equally "useless" pastimes. Mention any special skills you may have - good at public speaking, art, soccer team, etc. Try to pick those personal interests which may be relevant to the job you are applying for.

In this section, list the names, title and address of the people who have said they will act as a referee for you. You could just simply say, "References can be supplied upon request" making sure that you can

The answers to the following questions about résumés will give you some idea of how useful résumés can be:

1. Why can't this information just be included in an application letter?

A letter needs to be short and to the point, and to include the résumé in with the letter would make the letter into a short story.

Sentences also need to be properly constructed for a letter, but you can use point form in places with a résumé.

2. Why do you need a résumé?

The resume contains ALL the essential information about you that an employer needs to know.

If you don't have one, you will find it very difficult to communicate with employers when looking for work!

3. How and when can you use one?

A résumé is useful in so many ways. For example, it can be:

  • attached to an application letter
  • left at an office after a personal visit
  • help you remember important details when talking over the phone or in an interview
  • given to friends and other people (your network) so they know your skills etc
  • useful when filling in application forms since it contains all your "correct" details
  • spare copies can be given to other people in a panel interview situation
4. How can a résumé be useful to you in an interview?

See point 3. There is nothing wrong with sitting your résumé on your lap and referring to it in an interview.

5. How could an employer use your résumé after the interview?

At any time, an employer can use your résumé to get your contact details, or to decide who to (not) interview for a position.

6. Which would be better-a typed, or handwritten resume?

If you have access to a computer (preferably with a laser printer) or typewriter (preferably daisy wheel with a carbon ribbon) there is no doubt that your resume will look better to start with.

But basic looks aren't everything! The way in which your résumé is laid out on the paper is also very important!

Consider approaching a "professional" résumé writer for assistance (check samples of their work first!) and don't pay them too much!

7. Should you sign your résumé? Why? Why not?

No. A letter is signed, not a résumé!

8. How long should a résumé be: l/2 page, 1 page, 2 pages, 2+ pages?

A résumé should be at least one page long. Obviously, as you progress through life and gain more qualifications and experience, your résumé will lengthen, but always try to print it in multiples of full pages.

Don't however CRAM it onto one page if it just goes onto a second page. Spread it out over two full pages.

Blank space is more pleasing to the reader than a page crammed with words!

9. How can you change your résumé to suit a particular job? Would it be worth it?

If you have access to a computer, it makes tremendous sense to tailor each copy of your résumé to suit the particular job you are applying for.

Create a "master" copy of your résumé information on your computer. With each application, check out the particular requirements of the position, and change things around to reflect those things thought to be important by the employer.

You'll make their job easier and you will be noticed more in the "culling" stages (that's where they decide who does NOT get interviewed).

Now, look at a slightly better example.
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