What do you think?Check out these "features" of application letters listed below...
If you were the boss and saw them in an application letter, would you classify them as being:
very good, good, O.K., bad or very bad?
What do your answers suggest that YOU should do when writing your application letter?
Then... check out our thoughts on these things! (see bottom of page)
- Prints name at top of letter
- Writes incomplete personal address at top of letter
- Leaves the date off the letter
- Addressed letter and envelope as told to in advertisement
- Letter is addressed to Personal Officer
- Employer's name is spelt incorrectly
- Uses "Dear Sir/Madam" when employer's name is known
- Uses "To whom it may concern" when name or sex is unknown
- Does not quote such things as "Position Number" if told to
- First paragraph states reason for applying
- First paragraph states what the letter is about
- Gives no reason why they would like the job
- Gives a reason why they would like to work for that firm
- Mentions that their résumé, references, etc., are attached
- Does not enclosed things as asked to by advertisement
- Does not mention availability for interview
- Mentions specific times and dates when available for interview
- Closing paragraph doesn't "push" the reader into follow-up
- Last sentence says "Thank you for your time
- Last sentence says "Trusting you will give my application some thought
- Signs "Yours in anticipation
- Signs "Yours sincerely" when addressed to "Dear Sir/Madam"
- Prints full name under signature
- Letter uses some of the language used in the advertisement
- Use of poorly constructed sentences which reader finds hard to understand
- Not using Capital Letters in Correct Places
- Letter is two pages long
- Letter is less than one page
- Bulk of letter is written as one complete paragraph
- Long letter written on small stationery (paper)
- Short letter written towards top of foolscap page
- Letter is typed
- Letter is handwritten
- Letter is written on ruled paper
- Letter is printed out on computer paper
- Uses fancy, coloured or ruled stationery, or uses paper with pre-punched holes or ruled margins
- Uses liquid paper to correct mistakes
- Allows one (small) spelling mistake to stay in final letter
- Reference attached has spelling mistakes in it
- References show address and occupation of referees
- Sends in original copies of references, reports, etc
- Attaches blurred/dirty photocopies of résumé, reference, etc
- Layout of résumé shows little thought and originality
- Use of multi-colours in résumé for headings, underlining, etc
- Leaves age/date of birth out of résumé
- Does not list names of referees in résumé
- Encloses copy of résumé even though advertisement didn't ask for it
- Pages are not stapled or held together
- Pages stapled in wrong order or not stapled evenly/tidily
- Letter arrives on due date
Check out our thoughts on these things!Return to Job Applications index.