"Attitude, skills and you! The three things your job seeking campaign must get across!"

About Wassana Lampech

Wassana Lampech is a medical technology graduate and a freelance writer. She has been writing since her college days and has been a freelance writer for the past 4 years. You can follow her on Twitter https://twitter.com/wassmam.

Connect with Wassana Lampech

Items written by Wassana Lampech

How to Become a Foster Carer in Australia

Although the ideal has always been for children and young people to remain with their biological parents, circumstances sometimes dictate otherwise. Foster parents step into the breach when biological parents, for a variety of reasons, are unable or unwilling to provide the type of safe and nurturing environment necessary for their children to thrive.

How to Become an Estate Lawyer | Career Roadmap

An estate lawyer can also be referred to as a probate or estate planning law. In this position, you will be responsible for helping your clients address their financial affairs before they die. An estate attorney is also tasked with administering client’s estate based on their written will or their revocable living trust. You must […]

How to Promote A Healthy Lifestyle In the Workplace

What Is a Healthy Environment In the Workplace? Everybody wants to work in a clean office, and it promotes a healthy lifestyle by decreasing stress at work and preventing numerous illnesses. When you consider how many dangerous germs are in your workplace, you will want to have professional office cleaning services to sanitize every surface […]

How to Be a Successful Restaurant Manager in Australia

The functions of a restaurant manager have shifted from the daily hotel management to accommodate external activities such as marketing. The change in the job execution makes the management of the restaurant one of the most arduous task. Also, the average pay for restaurant manager is lower than the job done. The job, unlike the […]

7 Reasons for Youth Unemployment and How We Can Solve Them

Young people want to work! They would much prefer to have their own funds coming in, and set financial goals for themselves. They may want to purchase a car or move into their own place. However, youth unemployment is a concern that needs to be addressed. Once you understand some of the reasons behind it, […]

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