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Negotiating Your Software Engineer Salary: 5 Effective Strategies

Salary negotiation is a critical skill for any professional and is particularly important for software engineers. In a field fueled by innovation and a constant demand for talent, software engineers have the potential to secure exceptional compensation packages. However, more than simply demonstrating technical prowess is required. To receive the salary you deserve, it’s essential […]

How To Become An Effective And Respected Leader In Any Environment

Do you want to become a respected and effective leader no matter the environment? Leadership can take on multiple meanings depending on the situation. This makes it challenging to be an influential leader across all groups. A good and dependable leader requires skill, knowledge, and experience. But, with the correct practices and attitude, you may […]

Future-Proofing Your Career: Navigating The Changing Landscape Of Work

The job market constantly changes due to changing economics, shifting sectors, and emerging and outdated technologies. Just look at the use of AI and how it’s shaking up so many different industries. With so much constant change, it makes sense that you need to focus on future-proofing your career while deciding how to navigate the […]

What Are the Advantages of Learning JavaScript?

Maybe it was because the pandemic locked us into our homes for so long. Or perhaps it’s because of exciting new developments in robotics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. It could simply be that people are coming to the realisation that our world is and will be ever more tech-driven. Whatever the reasons, enrolment […]

Welcome to Australia’s Careers OnLine (COL)

Careers OnLineWritten by professional Careers Advisers, Australia’s Careers OnLine (or COL as we like to call it) has been helping internet Job Seekers with their Career Development and Job Search for over 20 years!

Online since 1995… COL was one of the first employment related websites in Australia.

And today? Well, we still help 1000’s of job seekers around the world every day of the year!

I hope you love using Australia’s Careers OnLine as much as I do 🙂

Stephen Spry

Our Supporters

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Australia's Careers OnLine : Professional Careers Advice for job seekers on the 'net since 1995!