A site connecting and linking mums to genuine employment and freelance jobs that can be worked from a home office.
As time permits me, my aim is to grow the website to include fabulous Tools, Articles, Forums, Surveys, Freebies and Competitions, Newsletters, Resources, Shopping Mall and more plus some great Baby and Kids Products. If you would like to see something added to the site drop me a line via the feedback form.
I am extremely pleased and very excited to announced that the WAHM website has partnered with a new generation career site. The official launch will be in two weeks. I am unable to tell you much at the moment but I can tell you that this new job site will take Australia by storm. Give the big job boards a run for their money. WAHM is one of the first websites to become a partner site. We will feature a job search tool where you can search directly for 'HOME BASED JOBS" or other positions that you may be looking for.
It will also feature FREE Microsoft computer online testing, professional development, career and personality tests, videos, Blogs and MUCH MUCH more..... The new site will offer a whole new way of looking at careers and job search.
Far from providing you with just a list of jobs, they provide a community for you to network, connect with others in your industry, promote yourself, help jobs find you, be inspired and gain information about careers and jobs that could one day be yours. WATCH THIS SPACE and tell all of your friends to bookmark the WAHM Website.
Company :: Work At Home Mums
Telephone :: 0419747097
Address :: PO Box 4054 Penrith Plaza NSW Australia
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